4th STREET Spritzers

4th STREET, the wine for a new generation of wine drinkers, was launching a new product – a refreshing flavoured spritzer in a can. Unfortunately, as they launched lockdown hit South Africa. With no chance of a TV shoot in the near future, we had to adapt our ‘Inspired by the STREET’ concept to make something relatable and relevant to our street cool target market, while ONLY using stock footage. As everyone was at home and on their phones, we used social media to create teasers, competitions, interactive wallpapers and filters to keep our new spritzers top of mind.

This was created working at singh&sons.
Copywriter: Amy Thompson

We had 15″ seconds to get our message across. We opted to create one per variant so each one could have it’s own hero ad.

Please view playlist below to see all 3 adverts.

We had to adapt the ads for YouTube, encouraging people to keep watching our ad with a promotional code that would appear natively after the viewer chooses to continue watching, and social which included square and portrait formats. The playlist below shows a sample of each.

On social we launched the campaign with two teaser videos, followed by our 3 hero ads. We talked up the intrinsics of each varietal in IG videos and FB carousels and created an interactive ‘screenshot to win’ competition based on the Cool Botanical spritzer’s yellow and purple look. Finally, we created dynamic wallpapers based on each varietal, with elements designed by street artist Damn Vandal. Followers could screenshot and save their favourite wallpaper or interact with our social filters.

Teaser Videos

Screenshot Competition

Intrinsic Video

Dynamic Wallpaper Post
Dynamic Wallpaper Stories
Spritzer Filters
*Note: Due to complications client side the filters did not go live, this was a testing phase video.