AB Inbev / SAB Nigeria BOSS Project

We were tasked to help introduce and drive Castle Lite Draught in Nigeria. As draught beer is unfamiliar in this market for both consumers and outlets, we developed an educational campaign called The BOSS Project.

BOSS stands for Barman of Significant Skill and Bar of Significant Standard. The purpose of this project was to familiarise and educate bar owners and staff about Castle Lite Draught and the draught system. All elements were developed to maximise engagement and education, ensuring the consumer enjoyed a consistently high-quality Castle Lite Draught experience.

The basis of the education element was The Ritual, which consisted of four steps that were illustrated through an ATL branded photographic shoot.

The educational material was delivered to outlets through the BOSS Education Station, consisting of all the information printed on a specially designed ‘flower petal’ box, and bespoke headphone stand with headphones. Participants were driven to a mobile website via their phones, where they could plug in the headphones and listen to the BOSS rap, created to educate and excite. The education element was enforced through an incentive programme that sparked competition amongst staff and bars.

This was created working at The Greenhouse Advertising Agency.
Copywriter: Christopher Commerford